Direct Selling


Direct Selling is an alternate medium of selling products or services directly to the consumer. Globally the industry is well matured and is looked at with respect and dignity. In India, the sector is still relatively nascent and is plagued with misconceptions and misrepresentations.

However, it is one of the fastest growing non–store retail formats in the country and offers wide range of socio-economic benefits to the stakeholders. It is expected to touch INR 645 billion figure mark by 2025. Although presently women form the bulk of direct sales agents, men are also enrolling fast after looking at the benefits.

Some of the key benefits of being Direct Sellers are:

  1. Financial independence
  2. Regular income stream
  3. You act as independent business owner and not as an employee of the company.
  4. Personality enhancement through regular trainings and seminars
  5. Improvement in your sales skills which can benefit you in the long run
  6. Rewards and recognition which boosts your self esteem
  7. Work full time or part time
  8. A good way to earn second income or zyada income!!


Please check the credentials of any company offering Direct Sales opportunities before enrolling with them. Please note Direct Selling is different from Multi Level Marketing. User discretion is advised.

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